What We Do

We are a supportive housing nonprofit committed to building a Minnesota where all people have a home.

Imagine a Minnesota where all people have a home.

For Beacon, we don’t just imagine it—we’re creating it. As a supportive housing nonprofit, we look at the complete picture when it comes to creating and sustaining affordable, supportive housing and ending housing insecurity.

We envision a community where every person has an affordable home.

We see a community that advocates for and provides resources to people seeking stability.

And we’re working to build a community where people of shared values raise their voices to shape housing systems that work for everyone regardless of their skin color, income level, or where they live.

Discover the impact of affordable housing

As an affordable housing nonprofit, we serve a variety of families and individuals at risk of homelessness.

Discover how affordable and supportive housing transforms lives and provides a foundation for success.  

Interested in learning more about Beacon?

Whether you want to connect with like-minded individuals, get involved in the housing justice movement, or learn more about Beacon’s approach to housing, consider joining us for Beacon 101.  

Click the button below or visit our events page to sign up for a time and date that work best for you.  

Looking for housing?

We do not handle rental inquiries or applications for our properties. If you are looking for housing, check out these resources.

Create New Homes

Developing affordable, supportive homes for those with the lowest incomes.

Sustain Stable Homes

Providing support services that help people thrive where they are.

Shelter Families

Offering shelter and transitional assistance for families in crisis.

Change Systems

Impacting systems to establish a world where home is a solid foundation.

Starting Life Off on a Stronger Foot

People become homeless in myriad ways with vastly different experiences depending on their location, health, and connections. Lakendra, in her early 20s, moved from Memphis to Minneapolis with her... Read this story See more stories