Take Action

Being in the room matters

Being in the room matters

In many instances, working to end homelessness could mean something as simple as attending a government meeting, whether that’s at a local or state level. It might also mean showing up to support the grand opening of a new building. Either way, being in the room matters because your voice matters.

Beacon offers a wide variety of events where you can lift up your voice to make a difference for our community. We hope you’ll attend one of our upcoming actions and add your voice to our growing movement.

Your presence has power. When you attend a Beacon event, you help forward our vision that all people have a home.

Rent Is Due: Day of Action

The pandemic and economic crisis are building into an eviction crisis, which could add to the already too large number of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness. We cannot let this happen, and home is the solution. We need Bring it Home, MN, a rent subsidy program that will allow all low-income Minnesotans the security and reassurance of home.

On the first weekday of each month join us at 8:30 a.m. for a thirty-minute update meeting, where we will learn more about the growing crisis, reflect together over instructions on how to take action together.

We are committed to holding a Rent is Due: Day of Action every month, so please mark your calendars for the rest of the year. We plan on having this event the first of the month, except when it lands on the weekend.

We look forward to joining with you to take action for our neighbors.

Beacon 101

Whether you want to connect with like-minded individuals, get involved in the housing justice movement, or learn more about Beacon’s approach to housing, consider joining us for Beacon 101.  

Click the button below or visit our events page to sign up for a time and date that work best for you.  

See All Upcoming Ways You Can Take Action.

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