
Statement on George Floyd

Dan Gregory May 29, 2020

Beacon’s statement on the death of George Floyd

At Beacon, our hearts are heavy today. Our collaborative of congregations fundamentally affirms that every person is valuable and deserves respect.

We mourn the death of George Floyd. We honor his life and are horrified by its sudden, violent end. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends and all those who knew and loved him.

We condemn the actions of the Minneapolis police officers who murdered him or stood idle during his murder. We are shocked and angered by their careless and callous disregard for his humanity and his dignity. This is not an isolated incident but endemic of the systemic racism that impacts our community every day. 

We recognize the systemic racism that has created the gross inequities in our communities—inequities in policing, in housing, in education, in health, in jobs and every other facet of the lives of our black, brown and indigenous residents, neighbors, staff and supporters.

We grieve the lost homes, businesses and other community assets in neighborhoods that already experience chronic under-investment and economic inequality. We know the challenges our neighbors will face due to lost employment and access to essential services.

Amid all the sadness, anger, and frustration, we also reaffirm our commitment to create a more just world by advancing equitable housing. We believe that stable homes transform lives and communities. We have a responsibility to take action to overcome the systemic racism that causes housing inequities. Only by addressing the systemic issues that lead to and propagate racism and racial discrimination will we ever achieve equity.  Our many faiths call us to act, confident that by working together we can create a community where people are valued and respected.